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5 Ways fear of Money and success Impact your finances and faith

Does Fear Hold You Back from God’s Financial Blessings?

As a Christian female entrepreneur, have you ever felt that your fear of money or success is holding you back from fully living out God’s purpose for your life?

How often have you allowed fear to dictate your financial decisions, hinder your business growth, or even affect your relationship with God?

In this blog post, we’ll explore 5 ways that fear of money and success can impact your finances and faith. We’ll look at real-life examples, grounded in scripture, to help you identify and overcome these fears so you can align your financial journey with God’s purpose for you.

1. Fear of Not Making Enough Money

Many Christian entrepreneurs experience the fear of not making enough money, which can cause sleepless nights and anxiety about future financial stability.

Philippians 4:19 (NLT) reminds us, "And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus."

Yet, we often let the fear of lack overshadow this promise.

Example: Sarah, a Christian entrepreneur, constantly worries that her business won’t generate enough income to support her family. This fear leads her to underprice her services and overwork herself, leaving little time for family or faith.

2. Fear of Success and Wealth

Some Christian women fear that financial success will lead them away from God or make them materialistic.

Matthew 6:21 (NLT) tells us, "Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be."

But what if your treasure is aligned with God’s purpose?

Success doesn’t have to lead you away from God if you keep your eyes on Him.

Example: Olivia hesitates to expand her business because she fears that wealth might lead her away from her faith. She struggles with the belief that she should not earn more than her peers, despite her hard work and dedication.

3. Fear of Stewarding Money

Another major concern is the fear of mismanaging God’s resources.

Proverbs 21:20 (NLT) reminds us, "The wise have wealth and luxury, but fools spend whatever they get."

The pressure to make perfect financial decisions can paralyze you, but God calls us to be faithful, not flawless.

Example: Rachel is so afraid of making a wrong financial decision that she avoids investing or budgeting altogether, leaving her finances in chaos.

4. Fear of Selling and Promoting Yourself

Selling and promoting your services can be daunting, especially when you struggle with feelings of unworthiness.

Proverbs 3:27 (NLT) encourages us, "Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them."

If God has given you the talent and opportunity to serve others through your business, then charging what your service is worth is not greedy—it’s being a good steward of your gifts.

Example: Jessica often undercharges for her services because she feels guilty about asking for more money, believing it’s unchristian. This fear keeps her from growing her business and fully serving her clients.

5. Fear of Failure

The fear of failure can be crippling. Many Christian entrepreneurs doubt their ability to succeed and worry that failure is a sign they are not in God’s will.

Proverbs 24:16 (NLT) reassures us, The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked."

Your success or failure does not define your worth—God does.

Example: Emma constantly second-guesses her business decisions, fearing that every misstep is a sign she’s not in God’s will. This fear paralyzes her from taking risks that could lead to growth and success.

Overcoming Financial Fears: Practical Steps

Now that we’ve identified some of the fears that can hold you back, let’s look at practical steps you can take to overcome them:

  • Acknowledge Your Fears: Identify and confess your financial fears to God.

  • Align with Scripture: Replace lies with biblical truths about money and success.

  • Pray for Wisdom and Guidance: Seek God’s wisdom in your financial decisions.

  • Take Small Steps: Begin with small, manageable actions to build confidence.

  • Seek Accountability: Surround yourself with a community of faith-driven entrepreneurs who can support you on this journey.

Key Takeaways

Fear of money and success can severely impact both your finances and your faith.

These fears often manifest as anxiety, guilt, or avoidance, but scripture provides a solid foundation for overcoming them.

By taking practical steps, you can move toward financial freedom and peace, fully living out God’s purpose for your life.

If you resonate with this post, I encourage you to take the next step.

Book a free 30-minute discovery call HERE, and let’s start your journey to overcoming financial fears and finding true peace in your business and finances.

Remember, with God’s guidance, you can overcome any fear and live out His purpose for your life.

Take care

Coach Raina AKA the Fun Money Coach

- Biblical Money Mindset & Fun Money Habits coach -

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DISCLAIMER: The view expressed are those of the coach alone and should not replace any expert advice from your financial advisor, therapist or be taken as commands. The reader is responsible for her own actions.

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